Форекс Обучение

Метод скользящей средней в техническом анализе Блог о форекс и криптовалютах

Скользящая средняя — это просто усредненное значение цены за выбранный период времени, он же таймфрейм (ТФ). Именно поэтому скользящие используются на самых разнообразных ТФ, от 1 минуты до года и даже десятилетий. При торговле на пробой скользящей средней Вы наверняка обратите внимание на количество ложных сигналов, которые будет давать Вам система. Чтобы снизить их количество существуют дополнительные фильтры или критерии на открытие позиции. По сути период средней зависит от того, насколько долго вы готовы удерживать сделку.

Популярные индикаторы

  1. Точность входов повышаем переходя на М5 при наблюдении точки потенциального отбоя от малой МА или от канала из них.
  2. Скользящее среднее — это запаздывающий индикатор, и чем больше период усреднения, тем сильнее будет запаздывание.
  3. Увы, для валют нет достоверных данных по объемам, что вы хотите – нерегулируемый межбанк.
  4. Способность анализировать рыночные тенденции на основе данных дает отличное представление о том, как работает рынок.
  5. В случае акций, это баланс компании, баланс оборотных средств (движение денежек в компанию и из нее, он же cash flow), отчеты о прибылях и убытках и тому подобное.
  6. История повторяется – это то, с чего мы начинали эту статью, помните?

Как вы уже знаете, скользящие средние разных периодов накладывают на графики соответствующих тайм фреймов. Например, 5 EMA и 35 EMA предпочтительней использовать на краткосрочных графиках, а 50 SMA и 200 SMA — на среднесрочных, или — на долгосрочных. 8) Рекомендую Вам разместить 5-ти, 8-и и 13-и периодные средние (SMA) нa графиках внутри дня для определения силы краткосрочного тренда. При сильных трендах, средние будут выстраиваться в линию и укажут вам в одном и том же направлении. Но помните, что они разделяются по отдельности на максимумах и минимумах цены, пока эта цена не пойдет в ином направлении.

Определение тренда

10) В тот момент, когда 50-дневная МА пересекает 200-дневную абсолютно в любом направлении, это указывает нам на значительное изменение в поведении медведей и быков. Если 50-дневная средняя, пересекает 200-дневную снизу вверх, это явление иногда называют « Золотым Крестом «, а движение сверху вниз называется « Смертельным Крестом «. Для использования этой функции на живом графике есть индикатор, что называется Envelope . С настройками по умолчанию он, впрочем, годится только для дневных и недельных графиков. Если вы перейдете на 1 час, пользоваться им нельзя — конверт будет размером с весь график. Сигналом для таких стратегий является пересечение малой скользящей двух старших снизу вверх (тренд вверх) или сверху вниз (соответственно, вниз).

Цена идет в трендах

Существует множество разновидностей этих скользящих, но все они сводятся к одной концепции. Это простой и наглядный способ получить, так сказать, «среднюю температуру по больнице». А именно, усредненное движение цены за определенный промежуток времени.

Скользящие средние в качестве уровней поддержки и сопротивления

Кроме того, всякий раз, когда вы наблюдаете нарушение внешней полосы во время тренда, это часто предвещает коррекцию, но это НЕ означает разворот до тех пор, пока скользящее среднее не будет нарушено. 50-дневная простая скользящая средняя отличается от 200-дневной периодом охвата цен, т.е. Она показывает направление движения цен за более короткий промежуток времени. Одно из основных различий между 50 SМА и 200 SМА — это прочность линий сопротивления и поддержки, которыми каждая из них обладает.

Вот, например, тестинг торговли ETF по индексу Dow Jones (DIA, SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average) с 2002 по 2020 год. Как видите, индекс постоянно находится в восходящем тренде на участке с 2010 года, есть лишь небольшие падения, которых можно избежать при помощи EMA (200), что снизит просадку. Стратегия очень лёгкая — просто покупаем, когда индекс находится у средней или ниже, а потом держим инструмент в портфеле, пока он выше средней. Возврат к MA используется многими профессиональными алготрейдерами, но стратегия нуждается в немалом опыте и эффективных фильтрах. Важное значение отдаётся именно пониманию на уровне интуиции, когда сигнал действительно стоящий, а когда нет, стоит ли усредняться и т.д.

Ибо когда ты копаешься под капотом авто, разве это не менее “технический анализ” определенного механизма? Это по сути справочник всего технического анализа в одном месте. Желание написать побудило выразить благодарность за данный курс.За несколько месяцев изучения и написания я смог добиться тех результатов, которые ожидал при покупке курса. Автоматизировал практически все что делал руками и получаю от этого огромное удовольствие.

Самый популярный среди российских трейдеров терминал MetaTrader4 (МТ4) располагает широким ассортиментом разного рода индикаторов среди которых, разумеется, нашлось место и для скользящих средних. Безусловно, существует множество методик торговли по краткосрочным скользящим (Фуллер тому подтверждение), по сочетанию разнопериодных МА на одном графике и т.д. Максимум, что можно использовать — пробой скопления и поддержки по тренду и выход после заполнения гепа. Выделяем области, где цена еще и ниже МА 200 на дневном ТФ. Если актив ушел в боковое движение/флет, применяются другие точки входа, о них позднее, равно как и о том, как попытаться распознать начало боковика.

Конечно, подобная техника работает не на всех акциях и индексах, есть те, что двигаются более непредсказуемо, но для этого и есть аналитика и проверка истории котировок. Например, на российском фондовом рынке работать со скользящими средними гораздо сложнее. Как видите, значения EMA существенно отличаются от SMA, при этом чем больше период средней, тем больше видны и отличия.

Если на график накинута средняя с 200 дневным периодом, она будет показывать наличие долгосрочного тренда. При уменьшении периода до индикатор будет отображать на графике тренд для краткосрочной торговли (внутри дня). Существует зависимость отображаемой линии от включенного таймфрейма и указанного настройками периода. В краткосрочной торговле используют промежуток по умолчанию, а более высокие значения, например, 50 или 200, устанавливают для среднесрочного или для долгосрочного трейдинга соответственно.

Более высокий максимум в нисходящем тренде не всегда будет означать, что тренд закончился. Это может быть сложным откатом, прежде чем тренд возобновит свое движение по заданной траектории. Торговыми инструментами могут быть валюты, акции, товары. Каждый инструмент движется под свою музыку, то есть у него свои скользящие средние в техническом анализе особенности и характер движения цены. Скользящая средняя (Moving Average или сокращенно MA) – это один из самых универсальных и популярных индикаторов на рынке, который может быть использован для торговли по тренду. Наконец в группе параметров «Стиль» можно указать цвет, тип и толщину линии скользящей средней.

Сумма цен закрытия за 14 часов (дней или любых других единичных периодов) / количество периодов (в данном случае 14). Когда цена постепенно растет, то скользящая средняя также корректирует свое направление, нацеливаясь на более высокие уровни. Таким образом, MA отражает общий характер и направление цены.

Вы должны придерживаться наиболее часто используемых скользящих средних, чтобы получить наилучшие результаты. Скользящие средние работают, когда множество трейдеров используют и действуют по их сигналам. Таким образом, идите с толпой и используйте только популярные скользящие средние. По мере роста цены индикатор Скользящее среднее подтягивается вслед за ценой. Этот метод является прекрасным аналогом трейлинг стопа. Это позволит точнее войти в рынок и выставить совсем маленький стоп, в то время как тейк можно пенести на пробой предыдущего локального минимума(максимума в случае роста).

При медвежьем тренде быстрая скользящая средняя всегда находится ниже медленной — в нашем случае, MA(50) большую часть времени находится ниже MA(200). Они также могут выступать в качестве уровней поддержки или сопротивления при движении цен. В сущности, я знаю немало примеров, когда именно скользящие становились основой прибыльной стратегии. Они не просто усредняют движение цены, это даже вторично. В конце-концов, и без скользящей можно определить тренд, нарисовав пару линий тренда на разных ТФ.

В этом случае ценовое движение можно поймать у самых его истоков, однако здесь появляется другая проблема – большое количество ложных сигналов. Создайте свою собственную комбинацию скользящих средних для использования в качестве технических индикаторов. На протяжении многих лет трейдеры пробуют бесконечные комбинации скользящих средних, используя их для определения ключевых уровней прорыва или точек входа — выхода. Чем выше показатель периода, тем более плавными будут изменения линии на графике. Здесь обычно применяют термин «медленная скользящая средняя», тогда как для значений менее 25 чаще говорят о «быстрой скользящей средней». 15) Уровни поддержки и сопротивления устанавливаются МА, в тот момент, когда они расходятся и сходятся вместе .

Cryptocurrency exchange

Decrypt Guide: How to buy Bitcoin with credit card, cash, PayPal

How to buy Bitcoin with a credit card

On CEX.IO, investors can buy Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies using various payment methods, including credit cards. However, it depends on the crypto exchange and credit card provider being used. While debit cards don’t earn points or miles for each purchase, the accounts from which they draw funds may offer users perks in exchange for a certain number of transactions. Standard debit cards also often offer a round-up feature that allows users to transfer small amounts of money to a savings account, a feature that’s impossible with credit cards.

How to buy Bitcoin with a credit card

By using the app, you can organize trades that happen in person or through escrow accounts online. You can do so in 16,600 cities in 248 countries using the app—which makes it essential for those in China and other countries where Bitcoin is frowned upon. The good thing is that buyers and sellers receive ratings—like on Uber—which helps to keep you safe. There are no fees for buyers but check the price, it will usually be a few percent above the market price, so the seller makes money. Best known for its cryptocurrency debit card, Wirex also features a virtual wallet where you can store your coins. Once you’ve signed up for an account and gone through the KYC processes, simply fund your account using PayPal, same as you would for any other purchase.

How To Buy Bitcoin in 4 Easy Steps

You can buy as little as €50 worth of Bitcoin by Visa or Mastercard. Although the credit card fees are low, the exchange rates themselves may be high. Withdrawal requests are processed automatically right after their placement, and they do not require you to log in to any third-party services. In most cases, withdrawals are processed instantly, enabling you to gain convenient access to the funds on your Visa or Mastercard right away. The key is reporting fraud or theft as soon as you realize it has occurred.

But credit cards provide more protection online than debit cards, and that’s useful when there are so many scams kicking around. Of the exchanges listed in Section One, only Coinbase lets you pay with a credit card. Investors can cash out of their Bitcoins to a credit/debit card using a cryptocurrency exchange such as CEX.IO. The platform allows its users to instantly sell Bitcoin and withdraw fiat to a credit or debit card to spend like a normal bank card. Coinbase is one of the best exchanges to buy Bitcoin with a credit card as it supports multiple fiat currencies to an account.

What Is a Credit Card?

You will not be able to pay with your credit card at a Bitcoin ATM. To finish your order, you’ll need to use a 3D Secure credit card. Also, some banks may consider your credit card purchase as a cash advance. If that’s the case, your bank or credit card provider may charge extra fees. Building good credit means demonstrating to lenders that you can responsibly repay the money that you borrow. When you’re spending with a debit card linked to your bank account, you don’t have the opportunity to do that, so using a debit card alone won’t help you establish or build a credit history.

There are over 20,000 Bitcoin ATMs globally, and they charge transaction fees of around 5-10%. After completing the purchase, your crypto assets will be delivered to the address you specified. Typically, transactions happen quickly, although in rare instances it may take minutes or even 1-2 hours, depending on the network congestion.

Where To Buy Bitcoin

Investors who choose to buy Bitcoin with a credit card, should pay off the balance as soon as possible to minimise the interest it will attract. If an investor is intending to buy Bitcoin with their credit card, they should first How to buy Bitcoin with a credit card check if the exchange accepts the credit card brand (for example, American Express, Visa, Mastercard). If an investors is aware of the risks and still wants to buy Bitcoin however, here’s how to do it using a credit card.

How To Buy Bitcoin (BTC) – Forbes Advisor – Cryptocurrency – Forbes

How To Buy Bitcoin (BTC) – Forbes Advisor – Cryptocurrency.

Posted: Mon, 29 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Bootcamp de programação

CIENTISTA DE DADOS O que faz, formação, salários

Por isso, quanto mais rápido o curso for completado, menos dinheiro será necessário para receber uma certificação da IBM para Ciência de Dados. O método de pagamento é exatamente o mesmo da formação anterior, dependendo da escolha do aluno entre período fechado de 4 meses ou pagamento mensal. Também estima-se um período de 4 meses para a conclusão da formação, com 10 horas semanais de dedicação. Use as informações que você recolheu para selecionar opções de treinamento que ajudam você a alcançar seus objetivos, sem perder tempo e dinheiro. Ouvimos esta pergunta com frequência aqui na Data Science Academy.

  • Isto é, senti que tinha conhecimento suficiente para começar um trabalho e performar bem como um profissional Junior da área.
  • Essa exigência elevada contribui para a valorização e escassez de profissionais de Ciência de Dados no mercado atual.
  • Sua caminhada para uma carreira de sucesso como Cientista de Dados começa por aqui.
  • Machine Learning (ou Aprendizado de Máquina) é uma das tecnologias atuais mais fascinantes.
  • Os professor possuem sólida experiência em suas profissões, são referências em suas áreas dentro de empresas relevantes do mercado.

Você terá acesso à nossa plataforma pelo período de 1 ano (365 dias) a partir da data da sua compra. Se desejar, é possível adquirir uma extensão de acesso diretamente pela plataforma, renovando-o por mais 1 ano. Porém, quem concluir e for aprovado em 100% dos desafios do curso antes de completar o primeiro ano de acesso, tem as aulas disponíveis de forma vitalícia, proporcionando uma oportunidade única de aprendizado contínuo. Dê seu primeiro passo nas análises de dados aprendendo como utilizar o Excel e o Power BI para a criação do seu primeiro modelo preditivo. Essas são as ferramentas-base essenciais para qualquer pessoa que pretenda seguir carreira em dados. Espera-se que o campo de ciência de dados continue crescendorapidamente nos próximos anos, e há uma enorme demanda porcientistas de dados em todos os setores.

Torne-se um cientista de dados!

Primeiro, eles devem entender os objetivos e requisitos do projeto, bem como identificar as fontes de dados relevantes. Em seguida, eles coletam, limpam e organizam os dados, garantindo que estejam livres de erros e prontos para análise. Aprender uma disciplina após a outra de maneira isolada, confunde o aluno no momento de unir as ferramentas para resolver problemas reais no trabalho. Em uma empresa parceira, mas é preciso cumprir 50% dos desafios, com períodos de inscrição pré-definidos, consistindo em um problema real que deve ser solucionado e apresentado para a validação da empresa no final do projeto.

Não há outra forma de aprender qualquer que seja o assunto. É preciso praticar, testar, experimentar, cometer erros, aprender com eles, testar novamente e compreender que você estará em modo permanente de aprendizado. Python – É uma linguagem de uso geral, que tem recebido nos últimos anos mais e mais módulos e pacotes para Data Science como Pandas,ário-flexível-plataforma-própria-e-garantia-de-emprego Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, Stats Models e TensorFlow. Python é mais fácil de aprender em comparação a outras linguagens, tem uma comunidade ativa, muita documentação disponível (inclusive em português) e pode ser usada para outras atividades além de Data Science. Pensamento Lógico – Cientistas de Dados usam o pensamento lógico para fazer análises.

Para quem é a Formação em Dados

Possibilitando análises estatísticas, cálculos e manipulações gráficas, a linguagem R da suporte para projetos de Big Data, Inteligência Artificial e Machine Leaning. Este curso é uma verdadeira imersão de forma estruturada para equipar os alunos com habilidades profissionais em Análise de Negócios (Business Analytics) e Machine Learning, aplicados a projetos de Ciência de Dados. Os projetos de análise multivariada sempre fizeram muito sucesso entre os alunos em diversos cursos aqui na DSA, pois a aplicação prática imediata é um fator que torna esse tipo de projeto especial.

formação cientista de dados

Com uma metodologia de ensino que mescla vídeos do youtube, vídeo-aulas de conteúdo, leitura de artigos, podcasts e até lives, a Alura inova nesse sentido e agrada pessoas que aprendem de diversas formas e não somente através de vídeos. Com 93% de retenção de alunos, o MBA em ciências de dados foca em inovação e projetos práticos, aprimorando as habilidades do profissional ainda mais. Nesse sentido, há menos pré requisitos, exigindo apenas conhecimento em bibliotecas de análise de dados de Python e SQL. Essa formação inclusive aprofundará seus conhecimentos nessas ferramentas.

Bootcamp de programação

Lógica de programação para iniciante: o que é e como aprender Insights para te ajudar na carreira em tecnologia Blog da Trybe

A estrutura condicional é um tipo de estrutura onde é possível verificar se o algoritmo atende a tal condição para então definir o fluxo de execução do algoritmo. Ao testar e depurar, certifique-se de considerar diferentes cenários, como entradas válidas e inválidas, e acompanhar os resultados para garantir que o algoritmo esteja funcionando corretamente.

Ela é a base fundamental para o desenvolvimento de projetos de programação. Refere-se ao pensamento estruturado e à capacidade de resolver problemas de forma eficiente e organizada. Os exercícios de lógica de programação desempenham um papel essencial no aprendizado inicial dessa habilidade. A lógica de programação é a habilidade essencial de desenvolver algoritmos eficazes e estruturar soluções lógicas para problemas complexos. Ela é a base fundamental para a criação de software e a instrução de computadores para executar tarefas específicas. Cada pessoa tem a sua própria lógica e sequência lógica de passos para executar uma determinada tarefa.

Aprendizado prático

Python possui uma vasta coleção de bibliotecas e módulos que estendem suas funcionalidades. É útil aprender como importar e usar essas Dominando o QA: técnicas e ferramentas para testagem de software bibliotecas em seus projetos. Escreva um programa que retorne todos os números primos em um intervalo definido pelo usuário.

Descubra como a formação em tecnologia da DNC pode impulsionar sua carreira no desenvolvimento de software. Conheça os detalhes do programa educacional intensivo, projetos reais em parceria com grandes empresas e a metodologia de alto desempenho. A lógica de programação não se restringe apenas à área de tecnologia. Ela pode ser aplicada em diversas situações do cotidiano, tais como organização de eventos, planejamento de projetos, estruturação de negócios e desenvolvimento de projetos criativos.

Lógica de Programação: Guia completo sobre seus fundamentos

Cada linha e coluna contém a quantidade de quadrados que devem ser pintados. Por jogar muito com a lógica e a dedução, esse jogo é perfeito para induzir um pensamento mais lógico, que será muito útil na lógica de programação. Na lógica de programação, essas estruturas condicionais são atendidas majoritariamente por IF (Se…) e ELSE (Do contrário…). Como podemos inferir a partir do que foi explicado acima, um algoritmo é um componente importante da lógica de programação, mas ele por si só não pode ser usado para definir esse conceito por completo.

Somente ver outras pessoas programando não fará com que você aprenda ou entenda a fundo o que está acontecendo. Comece por coisas fáceis e suba aos poucos para os mais difíceis, conforme você for aprendendo vai descobrir algumas técnicas e isso deixará tudo mais fácil. É preciso entender que o computador não pensa da mesma forma que nós e não é inteligente o suficiente para saber o que precisa ser feito sem que seja dito de maneira clara e objetiva. Sendo assim, organizar as informações com objetividade e ordem adequada é essencial para que a ação seja executada corretamente. CodingBat é um site simples e prático que oferece exercícios de programação em Java e Python, focados em lógica básica e estruturas de controle. Os exercícios são curtos e podem ser resolvidos diretamente no navegador.


Ele oferece uma grande variedade de exercícios de programação em mais de 50 linguagens de programação diferentes. A lógica de programação é a capacidade de resolver problemas de forma estruturada e organizada, usando conceitos e ferramentas da computação. Ela é essencial para quem quer aprender a programar, pois permite desenvolver o raciocínio lógico e a criatividade. Além disso, a lógica de programação ajuda a melhorar a comunicação, a abstração e a análise de dados. Portanto, aprender lógica de programação é essencial para quem deseja ingressar no mundo da programação. As vantagens são muitas, desde a capacidade de resolver problemas complexos até o desenvolvimento de habilidades valiosas.

  • No entanto, essa pessoa não conta com mapas ou ferramentas para se localizar.
  • Inicialmente, a lógica se preocupa em construir teorias descritivas que buscam ilustrar a forma como as pessoas pensam de uma maneira concreta, posta em prática.
  • Eles são parte essencial e estão presentes em praticamente todos os recursos tecnológicos.
  • O grande desafio é dividir esses passos de maneira que o computador consiga entender, algo que acontece por meio de uma linguagem de programação.
  • Dominar esses conceitos é fundamental para criar programas funcionais e eficientes.
  • Aprender lógica de programação é fundamental para quem deseja se tornar um programador habilidoso, e, assim sendo, ter acesso a diversas oportunidades no mercado de trabalho.
Bootcamp de programação

Frameworks: o que são, qual o melhor, qual utilizar e como eles funcionam!

Uma razão disso é o fato de que aplicações web têm muita coisa em comum, por isso, o reuso funciona perfeitamente bem e deve ser feito. Com recursos como ORM integrado, administração automática, autenticação de usuários e um padrão arquitetural baseado em MVC, Django facilita o desenvolvimento de aplicações robustas e seguras. Outra ótima opção para iniciantes que precisam concluir rapidamente projetos, o CakePHP se assemelha muito com o Zend, ainda que seja menos completo. Ele também atende perfeitamente a profissionais que já têm algum tempo de estrada e precisam de uma solução com um bom número de códigos e que consiga ser útil no cotidiano de trabalho. Hoje, o Zend é um dos principais frameworks de que se tem conhecimento, e seu uso é realmente muito recorrente. Isso faz com que ele esteja sempre atualizado, livre de erros e com uma documentação ampla e devidamente detalhada.

Flutter utiliza a linguagem Dart e oferece uma experiência de desenvolvimento rápida e produtiva. Com sua arquitetura reativa, interface de usuário personalizável e ampla coleção de widgets, Flutter permite criar aplicativos com desempenho de alta qualidade e interfaces atraentes. Os de desenvolvimento de aplicativos móveis são ferramentas poderosas para a criação de aplicativos nativos ou multiplataforma para dispositivos móveis. No contexto do desenvolvimento web, os frameworks oferecem uma série de recursos e vantagens específicas que podem impulsionar a eficiência e a produtividade dos desenvolvedores. Next.js é um framework de desenvolvimento web em JavaScript, baseado em React, que permite a construção de aplicações web modernas e escaláveis.

Framework: o que é, para o que serve e exemplos

Na área de tecnologia, o framework também possui aspectos técnicos direcionados à programação de sistemas. Trata-se de um conjunto de códigos pré-existentes, com funcionalidades específicas, que podem ser incorporados a sistemas para agilizar o processo de codificação de determinadas partes. O cenário de desenvolvimento de software está em constante evolução, com novas e tecnologias surgindo regularmente. Outro ponto de destaque dessa tecnologia é o seu foco em segurança e proteção dos sites.

Uma dúvida muito recorrente nas pessoas que leem sobre o assunto pela primeira vez, é entender o porquê de se utilizar um código genérico ao invés de se começar um projeto original do zero. Com certeza, seu diferencial é a ferramenta de construção de interface que é feita no modo de arrastar e soltar, tornando o projeto muito mais intuitivo. Além disso, as aplicações podem ser distribuídas nas lojas de aplicativos como Play Store ou App Store. Para ilustrar, os principais exemplos deste tipo de layout são o Gmail e o Google Drive. Se você está buscando aprimorar suas habilidades ou entrar na área de tecnologia, a Quero Bolsa oferece uma oportunidade única. Através dela, você pode encontrar bolsas de estudo de até 80% em diversos cursos em milhares de instituições de ensino superior em todo o Brasil.

DataScience Frameworks

ASP.NET é um framework da Microsoft que permite os programadores criarem sites, aplicativos de forma mais rápida e dinâmica. O React é usado para construir interfaces de usuário e é conhecido por seu desempenho e flexibilidade. Ele permite que você crie componentes reutilizáveis ​​para que seu código seja fácil de manter. O React é um framework de código aberto e multiplataforma e está disponível para uso sob a licença do MIT. Para facilitar a escolha do framework , fizemos uma lista de 12 frameworks para desenvolvimento web (front-end e back-end) mais populares para você utilizar no desenvolvimento do seu projeto.

Inclusive, alguns deles já se tornaram famosos pela qualidade do programa, ao passo que outros estão em ascensão e caminham para o reconhecimento muito em breve. Até aqui você já tem visto como o desenvolvimento se beneficia muito do uso de frameworks, porém agora vamos elevar o debate a novos níveis para deixar claro de uma vez por todas a utilidade. No caso, a primeira vantagem é justamente o reaproveitamento de estruturas previamente testadas para a criação de um programa. Isso porque as chances de se encontrar bugs, que são as falhas no sistema, serão muito maiores em um programa que é novo.


Portanto, para atender às necessidades do sistema, é essencial que os desenvolvedores adquiram conhecimentos básicos de JavaScript, por exemplo. Aprenda tudo sobre funções em JavaScript, desde sua declaração até tópicos avançados como funções anônimas, arrow functions, closures e higher-order functions. Afinal, é preciso conhecer essa tecnologia e entender suas evoluções para programar para web. Permite gerenciar microsserviços, manipular bancos de dados, autenticação do usuário, feed RSS, entre outros. Para os bancos de dados, em específico, o Django oferece suportes a diversos tipos relacionais, como PostgreSQL, MySQL e SQLite.


Forex Trading

Commitments of Traders COT reports and charts

commitment of traders report forex

This report shows a breakdown of open interest positions in three different categories. Because the COT measures the net long and short positions taken by speculative traders and commercial traders, it is a great resource to gauge how heavily these market players are positioned in the market. For example, traders are classified as non-commercial or commercial, and that holds for every position they have within that particular commodity. This means that an oil company with a small hedge and a much larger speculative trade on crude will have both positions show up in the commercial category.

commitment of traders report forex

Commitments of Traders Data (COT)

This is where COT stands out, as it relies on a different type of data that doesn’t take prices into account; the data is simply driven from the total number of open positions and has nothing to do with instrument pricing. As a result, a classic bullish set-up for a given market would be when large traders are net long and small traders are net short. Keep in mind that the small trader’s net position is usually vulnerable to either long liquidation or short-covering if the market starts to move against them. These are institutional investors, including pension funds, endowments, insurance companies, mutual funds and those portfolio/investment managers whose clients are predominantly institutional.

How the Commitments of Traders (COT) Report Works

OANDA Corporation is not party to any transactions in digital assets and does not custody digital assets on your behalf. Any positions in digital assets are custodied solely with Paxos and held in an account in your name outside of OANDA Corporation. Paxos is not an NFA member and is not subject to the NFA’s regulatory oversight and examinations. The Commitment of Traders (COT) report is a weekly publication that shows the aggregate holdings of different participants in the U.S. futures market. As we all know, financial markets are highly correlated, and the COT report can sometimes provide insights from other markets different from the one we are trading in.

Commitments of Traders (COT) Charts

While the position data is supplied by reporting firms, the actual trader category or classification is based on the predominant business purpose self-reported by traders on the CFTC. As the name suggests, this category represents large institutions and traders looking to speculate on different commodities and market instruments with the goal of making a profit on their speculative positions. Traders fall into this category once they exceed a specific number of traded contracts set by the CFTC for each commodity or instrument. Examples of large investors can be hedge funds, institutional investors, and other types of large financial firms that specialize in trading specific instruments as investments. This category of traders are usually trend followers and, in some cases, can also be considered a well-informed group.

When graphically shown on charts, you actually see what is referred to as the Net Traders Positions which is the actual difference between the number of long positions held by each group minus the number of short positions. Thus a positive number means they hold more long positions than short and vice versa. The long and short open interest shown as “Nonreportable Positions” is derived by subtracting total long and short “Reportable Positions” from the total open interest. Accordingly, for “Nonreportable Positions,” the number of traders involved and the commercial/non-commercial classification of each trader are unknown. It is also worth noting that the only trader category that was supporting and following the price action were the small speculators. One of the main problems that traders face when using various trading tools is that many indicators are based on price data, and therefore, in many cases, the different indicators end up duplicating the same message.

The CFTC requires large speculators and commercial traders, or hedgers, to report their net positions twice each month. Forex commitment of traders reports are based on the corresponding futures contracts traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. The COT provides an overview of what the key market participants think and helps determine the likelihood of a trend continuing or coming to an end. If commercial and non-commercial long positions are both growing, for example, that is a bullish signal for the price of the underlying commodity.

  1. For example, a trader holding a long put position of 500 contracts with a delta factor of 0.50 is considered to be holding a short futures-equivalent position of 250 contracts.
  2. These are institutional investors, including pension funds, endowments, insurance companies, mutual funds and those portfolio/investment managers whose clients are predominantly institutional.
  3. A major advantage of the COT report is that it provides us with historical extreme position levels.
  4. This means that if prices are rising, commercial traders are expected to be selling, and if prices are declining, commercial traders are expected to be buying.
  5. The COT Public Reporting Environment (PRE) provides an application programming interface (API) to allow users to customize their experience with the COT market report data.

There have been recommendations to publish more detailed data on a delay as not to affect commercially sensitive positions, but that still looks unlikely. And, despite its limitations, most traders agree that even the questionable data of the COT is better than nothing. Ignore the commercial positions for now, since those are mainly for hedging while small retail traders aren’t relevant. Barchart Premier Members can choose from a Detailed Report where you can page through the last 52 reported weeks of data, or a Summary Report, showing just the last reporting period. The number “non-reportable” positions are derived from subtracting the number of large spec and commercial positions from the total open interest. That is, the total of all futures and/or option contracts entered into and not yet offset by a transaction, by delivery, by exercise, and so on.

Different types of traders and businesses utilize the futures market to hedge their risk or lock in a specific market price. Examples of commercials or hedgers can be a crop producer looking to hedge the risk of any potential decline in price in the future; an airline looking to take advantage of or lock in a low price on oil is also another example. Since commercials are hedging, their positions are usually against the market. This means that if prices are rising, commercial traders are expected to be selling, and if prices are declining, commercial traders are expected to be buying.

The aggregate of all traders’ positions reported to the Commission usually represents 70 to 90 percent of the total open interest in any given market. From time to time, the Commission will raise or lower the reporting levels in specific markets to strike a balance between collecting sufficient information to oversee the markets and minimizing the reporting burden on the futures industry. The category called “dealer/intermediary,” for instance, represents sellside participants. Typically, these are dealers and intermediaries that earn commissions on selling financial products, capturing bid/offer spreads and otherwise accommodating clients.

Traders follow the COT report to identify extreme levels of long or short positions in a currency, which may signal a trend reversal. This report shows the changes in open positions of futures traders, including commercials, small speculators, and large speculators. Forex traders may use currency derivatives COT reports to find large net long or net short positions. The report provides investors with up-to-date information on futures market operations and increases the transparency of these complex exchanges.

Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance. Adam received his master’s in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology. He is a CFA charterholder as well as holding FINRA Series 7, 55 & 63 licenses. He currently researches and teaches economic sociology and the social studies of finance at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Many traders and analysts use this tool and have developed custom indicators driven by COT.

COT reports can be obtained from the CFTC website and can be downloaded in several file formats.

The COT Public Reporting Environment (PRE) provides an application programming interface (API) to allow users to customize their experience with the COT market report data. The API allows users to search and filter across columns for each of the datasets, including reporting date or week, commodity groups, subgroups, or name, and contract market name. Customized data report results can commitment of traders report forex be downloaded to available formats — CSV, RDF, RSS, TSV, or XML. Large traders (funds) are typically trend-followers and will add or liquidate their positions depending on the technical action of the market since the release date of the report. The Open Interest represents the total number of contracts, including both buy and sell positions, outstanding between all market participants.

Therefore, traders always look for different types of indicators to incorporate into their strategies. Every other reportable trader that is not placed into one of the other three categories is placed into the “other reportables” category. The market will be in a weakened bullish set-up “if” the two-week trend in the large trader position is down, or in other words, if the funds are in the process of liquidating their net long position. There are many different ways to analyze the reports, but for the most part, the large traders’ net position and “change in position” over a two week period are the most important numbers to watch.

Reportable traders that are not placed into one of the first three categories are placed into the “other reportables” category. The traders in this category mostly are using markets to hedge business risk, whether that risk is related to foreign exchange, equities or interest rates. This category includes corporate treasuries, central banks, smaller banks, mortgage originators, credit unions and any other reportable traders not assigned to the other three categories.

Looking at forex trading, the chart below shows GBP/USD with its COT net positions applied. The focus here is on the position levels when it reaches its all-time extreme and the price action development afterwards. We can see that historical extreme positioning levels represented historical price turning points. Market participants also look for divergences between different categories to identify potential short- or long-term reversals. The supplemental report is the one that outlines 13 specific agricultural commodity contracts.

Simply put, even the disaggregated data is too aggregated to be said to accurately represent the market. As the value of the net short positions of non-commercial traders (the green line) dropped, so did EUR/USD. The argument here is that delayed data is also considered to be discounted by current market prices and therefore not useful. A major advantage of the COT report is that it provides us with historical extreme position levels. These extreme position levels, whether long or short, can be significant for traders as they may represent a turning point.

The noncommercial participants are split between managed money and other reportables. The short format shows reportable open interest and week-to-week open interest changes separately by reportable and non-reportable positions. For reportable positions, additional data is provided for commercial and non-commercial holdings, spreading (in certain categories only), changes from the previous report, percent of open interest by category, and numbers of traders.

The larger the net short position of the small trader (relative to history) and the extent that small traders are holding a position “against” the trend are factors that will add to the bullishness of the report. The COT report’s results can be used as a tool to give traders a better understanding of the psychology of the marketplace, the net position of the commercials in the market, and the net position of the large traders. This group of traders is generally thought to be small speculators and hedgers who are not holding a position large enough to report to the CFTC.

The Commitments of Traders is a weekly report published by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The report provides details on traders’ positions in a categorized format according to trader type. The report is released every Friday afternoon, and its data covers up to the end of the trading day on Tuesday of the same week.

Although markets grow and do break and create new position levels, the existing historical position levels have proved to be significant many times in the past. This category includes the total positions for other market participants who don’t fall under the previously mentioned categories. This group is also another large segment of market participants and is also considered to be trend followers; however, their trading approaches towards different markets can vary significantly. Generally, the data in the COT reports is from Tuesday and released Friday. The CFTC receives the data from the reporting firms on Wednesday morning and then corrects and verifies the data for release by Friday afternoon. It aggregates the holdings of participants in the U.S. futures markets (primarily based in Chicago and New York), where commodities, metals, and currencies are bought and sold.

There is no magical indicator that will tell us where the market is headed; however, using different types of indicators that are independent from each other can help a trader make a more informed decision. The fact that COT report data is independent of price action makes it a different type of indicator when compared to the many and mostly used ones, and therefore it may add value to a trading plan. The legacy COT report separates reportable traders only into “commercial” and “non-commercial” categories. The long report, in addition to the information in the short report, groups the data by crop year, where appropriate, and shows the concentration of positions held by the largest four and eight traders. Due to legal restraints (CEA Section 8 data and confidential business practices), the CFTC does not publish information on how individual traders are classified in the COT reports. Looking at the COT example in the table above, we can see that Nasdaq 100 futures, traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) had an open interest of 57,779 contracts on June 15, 2021.

Of these, 14,320 were longs held by dealers and 10,875 shorts sold by institutional traders. The long version of a COT report, in addition to the information in the short report, groups the data by crop year, where appropriate, and shows the concentration of positions held by the largest four and eight traders. Traders can use the report to help them determine which positions they should take in their trades, whether that’s a short or a long position. One thing the report does not do is categorize individual traders’ positions because of legal restraints. This is part of confidential business practices, according to the commission.

Both cases represent negative divergence and reflect that both trader categories are supportive of the latest upside price action. Shortly after, the EUR/USD price entered a bear market, which lasted almost 18 months (in red). The COT report can also be considered a sentiment indicator as traders adjust their positions in anticipation of an expected event such as FED interest rate announcements or major changes in the economic or political environment. The advantage here is that the sentiment data is representative of different market participant categories as well as for each specific instrument, hence providing detailed and broken-down sentiment data that many traders find useful. The report history provides historical positioning thresholds or extremes that were previously reached.

These figures are not netted, but instead show overall volume (that is, interest). Speculators are not able to deliver on contracts and have no need for the underlying commodity or instrument, but buy or sell with the intention of closing their “sell” or “buy” position at a profit, before the contract becomes due. We introduce people to the world of trading currencies, both fiat and crypto, through our non-drowsy educational content and tools. We’re also a community of traders that support each other on our daily trading journey. In early October 2009, EUR futures net long positions hit an extreme of 51,000 before reversing.

The Commitment of Traders Report is a breakdown of each Tuesday’s open interest in the major futures markets as reported by the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). Leveraged trading in foreign currency contracts or other off-exchange products on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for everyone. Trading in digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, is especially risky and is only for individuals with a high risk tolerance and the financial ability to sustain losses.

Open interest is the total of all futures and/or option contracts entered into and not yet offset by a transaction, by delivery, by exercise, etc. The aggregate of all long open interest is equal to the aggregate of all short open interest. Open interest is the total of all futures and/or option contracts entered into and not yet offset by a transaction.

The reports are read as tables, which each row and column labeled appropriately (see the example above). The information in the report indicates how much interest there is, both long and short, in various derivatives contracts, and which type of market actor is involved. This is meant to provide a clearer picture of what the people with skin in the game—the users of the actuals—think about the market versus the people with profit motivations or speculators. The disaggregated COT report is, in part, a response to some of the criticism of the legacy COT.

Forex Trading

Copper Prices 45 Year Historical Chart

what is price of copper

Any examples given are provided for illustrative purposes only and no representation is being made that any person will, or is likely to, achieve profits or losses similar to those examples. DailyFX Limited is not responsible for any trading decisions taken by persons not intended to view this material. China is still a strong copper demand driver, with the most recent data showing that it was the largest consumer of refined copper at 13.65 million metric tons in 2022. While Ioannou said supply and demand dynamics are the main driver for prices, grade and production costs are factors as well. Demand for copper keeps growing, and he suggested that since “the low-hanging fruit has been mined,” miners must increasingly go after more difficult, large, low-grade and costly deposits.

Why are copper prices different on exchanges?

  1. Copper prices are determined by the demand for copper, primarily commercial.
  2. Fast-growing countries like India and China are accumulating vast amounts of wealth as their economies grow.
  3. In the U.S., the homebuilding industry drives copper demand, with the metal used in electrical wiring, roofing, plumbing fixtures, and insulation.
  4. Different exchanges and brokers list different live copper prices because of several reasons.

For example, the COMEX Copper Futures contract is a monthly futures contract with physical delivery of 25,000 pounds of copper on expiration. The delivered copper should conform to Grade 1 Electrolytic Copper Cathode as adopted by the American Society for Testing and Materials (B115-00). Various actors involved in the ecosystem, including miners and distributors, use futures contracts to hedge against price fluctuations for the metal. Copper futures contracts trade on exchanges around the world, including the London Metal Exchange (LME) and the Commodity Exchange (COMEX) under the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Copper futures contracts involve the delivery of physical copper of specific quantities (outlined in the contract) at a future date. It is the most common of the three metals and so is the least valued.

Top 10 Countries for Natural Gas Production (Updated

Melissa Pistilli has been reporting on the markets and educating investors since 2006. She has covered a wide variety of industries in the investment space including mining, cannabis, tech and pharmaceuticals. She helps to educate investors about opportunities in a variety of growth markets.

What factors have impacted copper prices historically?

On 29 March, the commodity traded at USD 8,767 per metric ton, up 4.3% from 29 February. Copper bullion might be harder to purchase than the likes of gold, silver, platinum, or palladium since it’s not classified as a ‘precious metal’. Cheaper metals such as aluminum are now a substitute for copper in power cables, electrical equipment, and refrigeration equipment.

Copper Demand in Emerging Markets

In the case of brokers and copper derivatives, the spread charged on the copper instrument may also contribute to the price difference. Events like miner strikes can also produce supply disruptions and higher prices. Marko has been working on the road for over 5 years, and is currently based in Europe. Alongside writing and editing, Marko works on projects related to online technology and digital marketing. Nickel, lead, and iron also competes with copper as substitutes in some industries.

In the U.S., the homebuilding industry drives copper demand, with the metal used in electrical wiring, roofing, plumbing fixtures, and insulation. Economic indicators that influence U.S. housing demand—including nonfarm payrolls, mortgage rates, GDP figures, and demographics—also influence copper demand. The current price of copper as of April 26, 2024 is 4.57 per pound.

Read on to find out about how copper prices compare to precious metal prices like gold and silver. We also explain the main price drivers of copper, how you can get copper via bullion dealers, and how you can keep up with copper price news. Leveraged trading in foreign currency or off-exchange products on margin carries significant risk and may not be suitable for all investors. We advise you to carefully consider whether trading is appropriate for you based on your personal circumstances. This information is made available for informational purposes only. It is not a solicitation or a recommendation to trade derivatives contracts or securities and should not be construed or interpreted as financial advice.

Such demand is driven by the construction and technology industries. Then, the rate of supply through copper mining and production determines what price the commercial consumers pay. Future projections of copper supply and demand are available via various resources. Because infrastructure represents such an important part of the demand, emerging markets are a key driver of copper prices.

Growth prospects for new industries, such as renewable energy, is further expected to boost demand. This is because copper is used as a raw material to manufacture machines and equipment, such as windmills and solar plants. However, industry dynamics—such as longer lead times for mines to become operational and political instability in copper-producing regions—may hinder gains for the metal. India’s per capita copper consumption is forecasted to rise from 0.5 kg to 1 kg by 2025. By moving the start and end of the timeframe in the bottom panel you can see both the current and the historical price movements of the instrument. In addition, you have an opportunity to choose the type of display of the Copper live chart – Candles or Lines chart – through the buttons in the upper left corner of the chart.

Historically, countries in this region have occasionally chosen governments that nationalized the mining industry. Copper combines well with other metals to form widely used alloys such as brass and bronze. Copper is considered a base metal, as it oxidizes relatively easily. It has the symbol Cu and the atomic number of 29 on the periodic table. The name is derived from the Latin aes Cyprium, meaning ore from Cyprus. The discovery that copper could be alloyed with tin to form bronze gave rise to the Bronze Age.

When mined, copper is extracted from crushed ore and is furthered refined through smelting. The building construction industry is responsible for close to half of the US copper supply. Speculators should pay close attention to trends in this market for clues about future copper prices.

Copper has been performing with volatility, but historically prices have been trending upward for decades. You can also learn about the national economies of countries like China and India, both of which are key players ifc markets review in the copper market. One troy ounce is rounded to 31.1 grams — this unit is typically used on exchanges and by bullion dealers. Finally, natural disasters like earthquakes and landslides can slow down mining output.

what is price of copper

Case in point — at the start of 2022, copper was up more than 500 percent since 2000. Although this impressive major increase doesn’t account for inflation, it’s still a sizeable gain. What’s more, copper prices were more or less on the rise during the latter half of the 20th century.

Analysts have noted that the country’s infrastructure and property sectors, both of which require large amounts of copper and other commodities, are also showing signs of weakness. Interestingly, some take another view on the historical performance of the copper price. The most common weight units to measure copper are pounds (lb), standard ounces (oz), troy ounces (t oz), and grams (g). For copper commodity market prices for trading — you’ll find copper listed in pounds (lb). Copper prices averaged USD 8,693 per metric ton in March, up 4.7% from February.

what is price of copper

The price of copper may depend greatly on the ability of these countries, as well as other emerging economies like Brazil. Different exchanges and brokers list different live copper prices because of several reasons. In the case of exchanges, the market maker and data provider may be different. For example, the Copper Futures price on Comex is different from what you see on the London Metal Exchange (LME). You can see historical copper prices, real-time price and the metal’s year-to-date performance at the top of the page. According to Stefan Ioannou of Cormark Securities, it’s most pragmatic to look at historical copper prices since the 1970s or 1980s.

The economic principle of substitution represents a risk of investing in any commodity, and copper is no exception. As prices climb, buyers will seek cheaper substitutions, if available. Political, environmental, and labor issues can have a big impact on copper prices. South America supplies a significant amount of copper, particularly Chile and Peru. Macroeconomic volatility has impacted the Asian nation’s copper demand, and it’s tough to say what’s going to happen moving forward.

The greatest determinants of copper prices are emerging markets, the U.S. housing market, supply disruptions, and substitution. Because of infrastructure demand, emerging markets are a key driver of copper prices. Emerging market countries have high growth rates for housing and transportation infrastructure and other types of construction. Therefore, the price of copper is sensitive to growth rates in these countries. Political, environmental and labor issues can influence copper prices through supply and demand.

Copper traders should pay attention to geopolitical news that affects the mining industry. Copper is a reddish-gold colored metal that is ductile, malleable, and an effective conductor of heat and electricity. Copper was the first metal to be worked with by humans and is among the most widely used metals today. Please review the copyright information in the series notes before sharing.

The price of copper is believed to provide a reliable measure of economic health, as changes to copper prices can suggest global growth or an upcoming recession. With high volatility and strong liquidity, copper is attractive to traders. Copper spot price is affected by extraction and transportation costs, as well as supply and demand. Use the copper price chart to follow live prices and stay up to date with the latest news and analysis to trade copper prices consistently. The price of copper is a good barometer for the overall strength of the global economy.

This page includes full information about the Copper, including the Copper live chart and dynamics on the chart by choosing any of 8 available time frames. Much later, in July 1998, prices “had fallen to their lowest level since the Great Depression,” while an earlier production boom in the 1980s led prices to fall on the back of resulting oversupply. Looking at the graph below from Schodde, it wouldn’t be ideal if you invested in copper back in the 1910s, but it’s more likely that investors now will have jumped in at some other point on the graph.

Melissa holds a bachelor’s degree in English education as well as a master’s degree in the teaching of writing, both from Humboldt State University, California. That might not sound like good news for copper, but Schodde views the drop as good overall. He thinks the industry will continue to innovate in order to exploit lower-grade deposits and meet growing global demand.

The metal was initially used exclusively in its pure state but was later used in the production of other metal alloys. Although it has similar properties to gold and silver, copper is significantly cheaper. The global copper supply is fueled by mining and recycling of copper products.


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bench accounting

Bench Accounting has made everything such a seamless process for me. I am so grateful for them all because I had such a nightmare tax season last year and I was so overwhelmed with my books. I was referred by one of my clients and I am SO glad I decided to work with bench. They are so responsive, helpful and I’ve never been able to see my books like I do now it’s a godsend.

Yes, EBITDA can be negative when a company’s operating expenses exceed its revenue. EBITDA provides insight into a company’s operational efficiency by showing earnings before the impact of financial, accounting, and tax decisions. EBITDA stands for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.

How We Evaluated QuickBooks Live vs Bench

From bookkeeping to tax filing, Bench is the all-in-one financial toolkit your business can count on. Try us for free—we’ll do one prior month of your bookkeeping and prepare a set of financial statements for you to keep. We use Plaid, which lets you securely connect your financial accounts to Bench in seconds. This feature saves you the time and effort of manually uploading documents.

  • From bookkeeping to tax filing, Bench is the all-in-one financial toolkit your business can count on.
  • Bench users like the affordability of the service and that it offers a free trial of one month of bookkeeping.
  • Bench also has Catch Up and Retro bookkeeping services for businesses that are behind on their bookkeeping, starting at $299 a month.
  • They also make adjustments to your books to ensure they’re tax-compliant.

Bench Accounting is an online bookkeeping service that pairs your business with dedicated in-house bookkeepers to keep your financials accurate and up to date. Each month your bookkeeper will categorize your transactions, reconcile your bank accounts and prepare financial statements on your behalf. In this way, Bench can replace traditional accounting software for many businesses. If you’re wondering whether Bench is a service for bookkeeping or accounting, it can be both.

Bench Accounting has made everything so seamless!

Your bookkeeper and team work in-house, and respond within one business day. The best online bookkeeping service should offer a wide range of bookkeeping solutions, including catch-up bookkeeping, invoicing, bill pay, bank reconciliation, payroll, and tax filing. For an additional fee, Bench provides overdue bookkeeping services and can finish a year’s worth of bookkeeping in about two to four weeks. This could be helpful if you’ve been behind on your books all year and tax deadlines are approaching. We’re truly sorry for the challenges you’ve encountered with our service, especially regarding the delayed filing of your taxes. We understand the urgency of your situation and apologize for any stress it may have caused.

For Bench, there’s a free trial available for one prior month of bookkeeping, which will be completed in one to two days. However, the company uses what is called “cash basis accounting.” This means they account for payments and expenses only after the money is received or spent. Using this method can be less accurate than accrual accounting, which includes accounts payable and receivable as well. You can send a message to your Bench team from your computer or the app at any time, and your bookkeeper will reply within one business day.

Accurate financials.Total peace of mind.

QuickBooks Live works with any version of QuickBooks Online, which starts at $30 a month for QuickBooks Simple Start while Bench has its own proprietary software. It is for these reasons that we selected Bench as the winner of this category. Bench could work well for freelancers or small businesses that have easy monthly bookkeeping. But if yours is more complicated, you might look into other accounting software options besides Bench accounting. When your bookkeeping is done for the month, you’ll receive a message. At that point, you can view your financial statements and account information online.

  • Hard to run a business if you can’t get your books done within a reasonable time.
  • It does, however, allow you to download Excel files of historical data, which can be uploaded to other programs.
  • This feature saves you the time and effort of manually uploading documents.
  • We understand your concerns regarding pricing changes and account turnover.

It’s disheartening to hear that we fell short of your expectations, especially during a time so important as tax season. Your feedback is heard, and we’re committed to improving our processes to better serve our clients in the future. A member of our Client Success team will be reaching out to you shortly so we can address your concerns and work towards a resolution. I have worked with the team at Bench for both my bookkeeping and taxes for several years now and it has really made managing the financial side of my business a breeze! Everything that needs done is handled quickly and with very little need for me to get involved. Small businesses don’t have to use accrual basis accounting, but it typically provides more accurate insight into your finances than cash basis accounting does.

More hours in the day

You can also schedule a time for your bookkeeper to call you at no additional charge. Bookkeepers are available Monday through Friday during “normal business hours PST,” according to Bench’s website. We sync seamlessly with your financial accounts and tools to keep your books up-to-date and save you the time and effort of manually uploading documents. To maintain accurate books and capture more tax deductions, we make it easy to add business transactions from your personal accounts to Bench. You can also book a call with your bookkeeper (or send them a message) whenever you’d like. There’s no extra fee or hourly charges for support—we’re always happy to nerd out about bookkeeping and your financial statements.

bench accounting

Bench offers both bookkeeping services and tax preparation and filing services. The pricing will depend on your plan and your business entity, but it’s possible to have Bench take care of your business tax filing. Bench is a bookkeeping and accounting service that connects small business owners with financial experts. You’ll connect your bank accounts to your Bench bookkeeping account and your dedicated bookkeepers will receive a read-only version of the information. The in-house Bench team then categorizes your transactions and gives you financial statements every month.

The Bench platform gives you monthly financial statements and expense overviews to keep you in control of your money. At-a-glance visual reports help you see the big picture and give you actionable insights to help you grow your business. Accounting Today is a leading provider of online business news for the accounting community, offering breaking news, in-depth features, and a host of resources and services. I’ve been in business for 11 years, and Laurentiu at Bench has been my favorite bookkeeper. Also, Bench’s system is very easy to use and I always recommend it to my fellow small business owners. Bench has been a time saver and had a huge impact on how we manage our books, keep track of our expenses, and make year end and tax season super simple.

  • Update your tax filing experienceTax time stress isn’t limited to tax season.
  • There’s no extra fee or hourly charges for support—we’re always happy to nerd out about bookkeeping and your financial statements.
  • No waiting for hours on hold—just helpful support from real people.
  • You will spend more time, effort, and money by signing up with Bench.
  • If you need historical bookkeeping, you can sign up for Bench’s catch-up bookkeeping services.
  • But moving the information and verifying it was done correctly can take time.

Both providers offer unlimited phone support with all plans and have strong customer support features. They also have many online help resources, but QuickBooks Live has the edge with live chat support and the ability to communicate with your bookkeeper via one-way video chat. Available for iOS devices, Bench’s mobile app allows you to upload digital copies of bills and receipts to the Bench software for your bookkeeper to review. You can also communicate with your bookkeeper through the app or check your accounts, vendors, spending categories, and more. In addition, we employ a comprehensive editorial process that involves expert writers.


Bookkeeping accounting & finance suite

back office accounting

Alternatively, Contracts by Sage Intacct is architected to meet the new standards, and manage your dynamic contract portfolio. Stop worrying about tax prep, with expert support for federal and state income tax filings, 1099s, and Delaware Franchise Tax filing. Get the peace of mind to focus on running your business, thanks to our triple-checked financial statements. From pre-seed to Series C, no one knows startups better—it’s why we’re the largest startup accounting firm in the US. We work with thousands of startups, ranging from two founders in a garage to hundred-person teams.

Hiring us you won’t miss performing any legal requirement and business regulation. Our customers can access the accomplished work from anywhere at any time through connecting their system to the internet. Back Office Special Accountants has a team of QuickBooks specialists who can provide you a guided back office accounting QuickBook assistance and valuable expert suggestion. The experts at Back Office Accountants can help you out in using different versions of QuickBooks with several available tools. With the right mix of team and technology, you can build your company on top of a strong financial foundation.


Common requests involving passwords and network access take up large amounts of IT professionals’ time. IT professionals work in the back office realm supporting an organization’s technological infrastructure in the form of hardware platforms and software applications. It may be surprising to some that HR operations are considered back office. After all, recruitment and hiring require a lot of interactions on the part of HR professionals with people they don’t know, and they represent their business to people outside the organization. Inventory management is the ordering, storage, organization, and movement of inventory through an organization’s supply chain, and includes replenishing supplies of products and materials.